I asked for use-cases on the FHIR chat so that I could model them. This effort to model use-cases is useful as it helps test the theory wit...Read More
I was in a discussion around HL7 v2 vs FHIR lately. The technical merits of FHIR were not being debated. The technical merits were understoo...Read More
A very short article this week really brings the problem of Patient Identity to a point. Specifically this: Dr. Charles Jaffe, CEO of stand...Read More
Grahame got this question on FHIR Consent , and forward it to me to answer. Question: I am using the FHIR Contract resource ( https://www.hl...Read More
A critical science in healthcare that has many dimensions and use-cases or misuse-cases. De-Identification -- Break the binding: I have been...Read More