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FW: IHE IT Infrastructure "MHD" Technical Framework Supplement Published

IHE has updated the MHD profile. This is an administrative formality that should have been done almost 3 months ago. The text published is updated Volume 1, and totally erased volume 2. This removal of the Volume 2 text is a notice to developers that IHE is currently re-developing the technical profile. This technical work has been in progress for many months now, moving very slowly because of day-job and summer vacations by everyone who is helping.
The current status of the updating of MHD can be found on the IHE "MHD Status" page.

Associated with this is a formal �Hackathon� at the IHE-Connectathon where developers will be encouraged to work on MHD implementations. This is not called a Hackathon, but rather "New Directions". The goal is to improve and mature the MHD profile. The MHD profile is not well enough matured to be formally tested at IHE-Connectathon.


IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Supplement Published for Trial Implementation

The IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Committee has published the following supplement to the IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework for trial implementation as of October 14, 2014:
  • Mobile access to Health Documents (MHD)
This profile may be available for testing at subsequent IHE Connectathons. The document is available for download at http://ihe.net/Technical_Frameworks/#IT. Comments on all documents are invited at any time and can be submitted at http://ihe.net/ITI_Public_Comments/

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